Hungarian Watertechnology Corporation

Containerised drinking water treatment in Peru

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The project goal was to implement a water treatment system which would provide drinking water to the population in the Huarmaca area.

Water treatment technology:
The HidroWell technology comprises of ultrafiltration in a containerised, compact format ensuring 200 m3 of clean drinking water per day.

  • Location
    South America / Peru / Huarmaca
  • Date
  • Customer and operator
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Huarmaca Municipality
  • Participating companies

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H-2030 Érd Fuvaros u. 14.
+ 36 (70) 521 2334

HWTC Hungarian Water Technology Corporation Ltd. was established in 2015 by Szabadics Civil Engineering and Construction Plc., Hidrofilt Water Treatment Ltd. and Controlsoft Ltd. following the successful implementation of a number of joint projects.